saint: n.1.神圣的人;圣者;(教会正式尊崇的)圣徒。2.道德崇高的人;圣人;圣者[徒]似的人。3.(被认为已进入天堂的)死者。4.上帝的选民,基督教教徒。5.〔S-〕 〔用于人名,地名前,单数略作 St., S. 复数略作 SS 或 Sts. 〕圣…。短语和例子I am no saint. 我不是圣人。 He is a saint of a man. 他是一个圣人。 All S
Universit de paris viii - vincennes saint denis 巴黎第八大学
Hajajajahaja . cissy wiped his little mouth with the dribbling bib and wanted him to sit up properly , and say pa pa pa but when she undid the strap she cried out , holy saint denis , that he was possing wet and to double the half blanket the other way under him 西茜用围嘴替他揩了揩小嘴儿,要他坐直了,说"爸爸爸"但是当她解开皮带时却大声嚷道: "哎呀呀,这娃娃都湿透啦,得把垫在下面的小毛毯翻过来重新叠一叠。